A Mouse Only Needs a Hole the Size of a Dime to Get in Your Home
Now that warmer weather is upon us and those little critters that resided outdoors are looking to move indoors, so it's time to get pro-active. I've often heard that a mouse only needs a dime sized hole to get into a home.
I reached in my pocket grabbed a dime and thought to myself, "no way, that can't be true!" Well, Mathias Wandel a YouTube woodworking master set out to prove the dime theory true in the above video.
While Mathias says this mouse in-particular is lazy. The fact remains that a mouse can squeeze through some really tight spaces. Because a dime's diameter is only 17.91 mm and the mouse got through a slightly smaller 17.5 mm hole.
So yes, a mouse can and will get in through holes the size of a dime. The shrew that appears towards the end of the video, did manage to get into the smaller 16 mm hole.
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