Yesterday something pretty epic happened in the Texas state legislature. We know, already it is hard for you to believe, but we swear it's true. Senator Wendy Davis attempted a 13-hour filibuster to keep one of the most extreme anti-abortion bills in the United States from being voted into law. And this wasn't your average, everyday read-from-the-phone book filibuster, this was a Texas filibuster.

In Texas a person attempting a filibuster cannot sit, eat, drink, take a bathroom break or even lean against a table, so it was pretty intense. The filibuster was livestreaming, and began to pick up steam, with #standwithwendy trending on Twitter. Even Lil B got involved.

Lil B

As the midnight deadline to vote for the bill approached, the GOP attempted to break the filibuster by declaring a third point of order against Davis. And here's where things got really crazy.

Desperate to keep a vote from happening, Texas democrats banded together and began stalling for time. They did a pretty good job of it to, debating parliamentary procedure and the "germane-ness" of the filibuster. They kept the vote at bay until 11:45, at which point Senator Leticia Van de Putte asked a question that got a response she probably wasn't expecting:

Van de Putte gif
Van de Putte

This was the response:

Protesters who had filled the capitol building erupting into cheers and shouting...and kept it up until well after midnight, killing the vote. Of course, the GOP tried to pass a vote, but it was too late. And now Wendy Davis is a hero, both in real life, and on the internet, where everybody is in lurv with her and her bright pink running shoes:

Wendy Shoes
toiletbowl, TUmblr

Of course, she was compared to a popular 'Game of Thrones' heroine:

Khaleesi Wendy Davis

Wendy tweeted thanks for all the support. No, Wendy....thank you.

Wendy Tweet
WendyDavisTexas, Twitter

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