state of texas

Watch Sea Turtle Hatchlings Make Their First Trip Into The Sea At This Texas Beach
Watch Sea Turtle Hatchlings Make Their First Trip Into The Sea At This Texas Beach
Watch Sea Turtle Hatchlings Make Their First Trip Into The Sea At This Texas Beach
I don't know what it is about sea turtles, but they amaze me every time I see them. It doesn't matter if I've seen them in the Cayman Islands or last year in Hawaii, sea turtles are always a must see for me and many others. One thing I haven't seen yet though are sea turtle hatchlings making their way to the water for the first time...
Monkeypox Cases Are Spreading in Texas
Monkeypox Cases Are Spreading in Texas
Monkeypox Cases Are Spreading in Texas
No, there isn't a real reason to freak out about monkeypox, but the State of Texas wants everyone to know what's going on. The Texas Department of State Health Services announced this week that at monkeypox is here in Texas. So far, ...
It’s A Tax-Free Weekend In Texas For Emergency Supplies
It’s A Tax-Free Weekend In Texas For Emergency Supplies
It’s A Tax-Free Weekend In Texas For Emergency Supplies
Are you prepared for the next disaster? Whether it is a flood, tornado, wildfire, or even a pandemic, it's good to be prepared, and this weekend the State of Texas wants to make it a little more cost effective to be prepared. That's why this weekend is the 2022 Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday...
Texas Takes Steps To Guard Against Russian Cyberattacks
Texas Takes Steps To Guard Against Russian Cyberattacks
Texas Takes Steps To Guard Against Russian Cyberattacks
Could Russia attack the State of Texas and the United States through cyberattacks? With Russia at war with Ukraine and the United States and its allies putting sanctions on Russia, many believe that Russia could respond via cyberattack on businesses and even infrastructure...

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