Guys Go On Shooting Spree After Getting Pizza With Wrong Toppings
Control your rage, people.
Earlier this week, police arrested three teenagers in Nashville after they fired gunshots at a store where they mistakenly got the wrong toppings on their pizza.
An undercover cop saw Djuan Bowers, 18, Tynerick Turner, 17, and a 16-year-old pump the lead on Tuesday at the D.B. Todd Market. For good bad measure, the car they were in at the time had been stolen.
The cop tailed the trio a house where they were arrested. They later copped to the strange reason for the shooting, reports the Tennesseean:
During interviews, one of the suspect's allegedly stated the shots were directed at the market because the clerk had given them them the pizza with the incorrect toppings.
Bowers and Turner are already in enough trouble without this incident adding to their rap sheet. They've also been charged for holding someone up at gunpoint last month.
If this threesome was this perturbed by getting the wrong toppings, imagine the fury they would've unleashed had they'd accidentally gotten a pizza topped with mayonnaise and peas.
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