Dublin Dr. Pepper Responds to Lawsuit by Dr. Pepper Cooperation
The Dr. Pepper Bottling Company in Dublin, Texas has responded to a lawsuit filed against them earlier this summer by Plano based Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. The lawsuit, filed June 30th, as requested a federal court to terminate Dr. Pepper Snapples licensing agreement with Dublin Dr. Pepper. The cooperation is also requesting that the family-owned Dublin Dr. Pepper loose rights to using the Iconic Dublin Dr. Pepper name.
The attorney for the Dublin producer, Steven Wolens of Dallas, released a statement recently reading “Dublin Dr. Pepper has been a loyal and committed supporter of the Dr. Pepper brand longer than any other bottler. Despite benefiting from the relationship with Dublin Dr. Pepper for more than 120 years, Dr. Pepper Snapple has turned its back on Dublin and the goodwill among the thousands of people who love this true Texas treasure that comes in an 8-ounce bottle.”
The August 9th response from the Dublin producer cites internal and external corporate documents that show inconsistent positions taken by Dr. Pepper Snapple, who promoted online and phone sales of the small-town product despite complaining of it in the lawsuit.
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