So what has country music and the Country Music Association done all year?  If you've ever  pondered that thought, the answer comes in the form of a well produced and well thought out 'Twas The Night Before Christmas' styled video. All these years I thought the CMA people only did the awards show and inducted folks into their Country Music Association Hall of Fame. After watching the video, I learned I was way off the mark and the Country Music Association, the Foundation and country music stars had a very busy year. Check it out.

First off the CMA folks do so much to advance country music around the world and honor those artists that rise above the rest. The CMA does more for helping educate school children about music and putting music within their reach in the big, inner cities, like New York, Miami, Chicago just to name a few. To date the CMA Foundation has handed out over six million dollars to help kids enjoy and learn music. To further prove that the awesome CMA folks practice what they preach, the music in this video is 'Deck the Halls' which was performed by the Hume-Fogg Academic High School jazz band in Nashville Tennessee. Enjoy!

 This is the CMA's video Christmas Card of Deck the Halls.


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