It seems that people are not utilizing the internet enough. I know! How can that be? But it

the drug dogs got a hit of something in her tires

obviously is, because some crazy Texas woman has been busted at the border for trying to smuggle more than 50 lbs of meth in her tires.

Drug dogs got a hit of something in her tires during her stop at the border in El Paso. The agents broke out the x-ray machine and found something wrong in the back tires. They yanked them off the Chevy Trailblazer and found custom manufactured metal collars bolted to the rims of the wheels. And inside those collars were, allegedly, dozen of meth filled bundles. Estimated street value was $1,625,600.

I find that ridiculous. It’s like running to the store for apple sauce when you have tons of apples in the fridge, and a food processor on the counter.

I just google “how to cook meth” and got about 6,290,000 results. There’s more on the internet beside Bible Quotes people.


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