Everything’s Bigger in Texas, Including Our Top 10 Phobias
We don't just have phobias here, we have TEXAS sized fears. No, we are not talking about scary stories like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. What do you think the Killeen-Temple, Texas area residents fear most? Did your fear make the list of top 10 phobias in the Lone Star State?
Fear is the Beginning of Courage
Some people think acknowledging fears or challenges is a sign of weakness. We all grow up knowing that nobody is perfect, yet for many it becomes a real challenge to admit it. It has become a real struggle for so many, that it is now actually considered an act of strength to admit when you're afraid of something. Or worse yet, apologize.
What Do You Fear Most?
Check out below the top 10 phobias of Texas, and see how many you share. The info comes from the folks at BetTexas.com, who compiled the top 10 phobias of Texas based on Google search data. Personally, only a few of the 10 make me really uncomfortable, and my 3 biggest fears didn't even make the list.
In case you were wondering, my biggest fear is the Houston Astros winning another World Series.