State agencies are again being asked to tighten their belts.

Governor Rick Perry announced today that the Governor’s Office and the Legislative Budget Board have directed state agencies to develop their legislative appropriations requests for the 2014-2015 biennial budget, and include 10 percent savings in funding.

The directive provides a starting point for state agencies as they begin preparing their budget requests for the 83rd Legislative Session.

The request is similar to cuts desired in previous years.

“Identifying potential savings early in the budget process reiterates our ongoing commitment to the responsible fiscal policies that have made Texas the epicenter of job creation in the U.S., including keeping our taxes low, spending in check, and government running efficiently” said Perry.

Perry outlined his priorities in the letter to hold with the Texas Budget Compact, which includes truth in budgeting, support of a constitutional limit of spending to the growth of population and inflation, opposing any new taxes or tax increases, and make the small business tax exemption permanent, preserve a strong Rainy Day Fund, and to cut unnecessary or duplicative government programs and agencies.

Lt. Governor David Dewhurst also weighed in, saying “Unlike Washington where spending increases are automatic, Texas has maintained a balanced budget by forcing government to look for savings first – ensuring taxpayers’ hard-earned money is put to its highest and best use.” Dewhurst is currently in a runoff against former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchison.

The letter issuing the budget directives is available here.

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