Whatever initially occurred between the two drivers, it's hard to watch. East Texas is typically known for mannerly behavior--relatively speaking, at least.
For as long as many of us can remember, it's been red, yellow, green. Granted, in some places, you see a separate part of the light that shows protected greens or yellow or whatever. But generally, the 3-color combo is what we've known.
Now, whether some people in the Dallas and Tyler, Texas area actually understand what those colors MEAN is another conversation entirely. Yeah, we're looking at you, yellow light speeder-uppers! (That's a technical term, of course.)
It may not be too surprising to hear that a state our size has four of the deadliest intersections in the United States. It seems like everywhere you drive these days in Texas there is a good chance another driver is not paying attention to what they are supposed to be doing or they are just disregarding any and all traffic laws...