New Jersey

How Did Lubbock, Texas Pick Up Such A Terrible Nickname?
How Did Lubbock, Texas Pick Up Such A Terrible Nickname?
How Did Lubbock, Texas Pick Up Such A Terrible Nickname?
Sometimes history happens in our time. So What Is It? I think you know by now that many people refer to Lubbock as "Dirt City". I hear this term used as much as I hear the more acceptable "Hub City". "Hub City" is a good and accurate nickname, but you'd be surprised how many towns refer to themselves as "The Hub City"...
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Hospitalized
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Hospitalized
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Hospitalized
New Jersey governor and potential presidential candidate Chris Christie was hospitalized Thursday, after complaining of shortness of breath. Although Christie has publicly stated he is not running for president in 2012, Republican activists have been trying to persuade the outspoken fiscal conservative to get in the race.
Bruce Springsteen for Governor of New Jersey?
Bruce Springsteen for Governor of New Jersey?
Bruce Springsteen for Governor of New Jersey?
Does New Jersey need a governor, or a Boss? According to a recent poll, many voters think the answer is both. With New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s poll numbers dropping, an organization named Public Policy Polling decided to see what would happen if Bruce Springsteen ran against Christie for the office — and found that he’d enter with nearly half the popular vote.