mardi gras

Artwalk in Abilene
Artwalk in Abilene
Artwalk in Abilene
This months Center for Contemporary Arts 'ArtWalk' is themed 'Mardi Gras Madness' and promises to be just as fun as the real Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Bring the entire family to the historic downtown area of Abilene where restaurants, shops, museums, galleries and entertainment are waiting for you. If you dare, wear your favorite Mardi Gras mask or paint your face and join the parade.
Mardi Gras Around The World
Mardi Gras Around The World
Mardi Gras Around The World
Did you think Mardi Gras was strictly a New Orleans thing? Think again. In Belgium Mardi Gras is the most important day of the year. Belgians celebrate the Carnival of Binche in the city of Binche, which features lots of music and dancing. Sweden celebrates Fettisdagen, translating to "Fat Tuesday." In Canada Mardi Gras is celebrated throughout the country, especially in the french-spea