
Brace Yourself, the Flu Season Memes Are Here
Brace Yourself, the Flu Season Memes Are Here
Brace Yourself, the Flu Season Memes Are Here
It's that time of year, when you give everybody who coughs on the train a dirty look and tie your hands to your waist with elastic to keep from accidentally touching your face until you've had a chance to wash them under soap and water for at least three minutes. That's right. It's flu season. Here are some tips for coming out on the other side okay.
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
New Facebook App Will Help You Find Out Who Gave You the Flu
After last year's flu season, which health officials say was one of the mildest in the past 30 years, the illness is back with a vengeance. Well, if you're unlucky enough to currently have the flu, at least a new Facebook app can help track down the diseased jerk who gave it to you in the first place.
Women Gain Weight After Marriage, Men After Divorce
Women Gain Weight After Marriage, Men After Divorce
Women Gain Weight After Marriage, Men After Divorce
Getting hitched results in women putting on the pounds, whereas the male waistline is more likely to expand after a divorce. Researchers from Ohio State University discovered this discrepancy after analyzing a study on the effects marital events had on 10,000 people between 1986 and 2008.
Research Shows Sitting Can Kill You
Research Shows Sitting Can Kill You
Research Shows Sitting Can Kill You
People who sit most of the day have a 54 percent greater risk of heart attack than those who spend a good chunk of the day standing. Researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana came to this conclusion after analyzing the lifestyles of more than 17,000 men and women over 13 years. The scientists found that even non-smokers who exercise regularly and would be considered in