
Man Demands Nude Photos After Hacking Woman’s Online Accounts [VIDEO]
Man Demands Nude Photos After Hacking Woman’s Online Accounts [VIDEO]
Man Demands Nude Photos After Hacking Woman’s Online Accounts [VIDEO]
In June, a woman in Monroe, Connecticut had her Gmail and Facebook accounts hijacked by a man who demanded she send him nude photos to get the accounts back. The unnamed victim instead went to the police, who launched an investigation that resulted in Monday’s arrest of 19-year-old John Joaquim III. It’s unclear whether he knew his victim, but the two do live in the same town.
‘Anonymous’ Hacking Collective Steals Law Enforcement Data
‘Anonymous’ Hacking Collective Steals Law Enforcement Data
‘Anonymous’ Hacking Collective Steals Law Enforcement Data
The loose-knit international hacking collective known as Anonymous claims it hacked into around 70 US law enforcement websites, stealing 10 gigabytes worth of data. To prove it, this weekend the group posted items such as police emails, tips that seemed to come from members of the public, and credit card numbers. Anonymous said the move was in retaliation for the arrests of its sympathizers in the