
Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is Sept. 20th at Rose Park in Abilene
Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is Sept. 20th at Rose Park in Abilene
Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is Sept. 20th at Rose Park in Abilene
The Abilene Alzheimer's Association is holding their annual "Walk to End Alzheimer’s" at the Rose Park Senior Center. The two-mile Walk will be kicked off by Mayor, Norm Archibald. The Big Country’s Elvis tribute artist Harvey McFadden will be the entertainment. Check out all the details.
Center for Contemporary Arts is Hosting “Thanks for the Memories” ArtWalk for the Alzheimer’s Association
Center for Contemporary Arts is Hosting “Thanks for the Memories” ArtWalk for the Alzheimer’s Association
Center for Contemporary Arts is Hosting “Thanks for the Memories” ArtWalk for the Alzheimer’s Association
The Center for Contemporary Arts and other downtown art galleries will host a special "Thanks for the Memories" ArtWalk, Thursday, September 11th in Abilene. The Abilene Alzheimer Association and Wisteria Place will be on hand to answer questions and display the paintings by Alzheimer's patients. See what else is happening.
Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Abilene
Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Abilene
Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Abilene
Alzheimer's is something I take personally, both my grandmother and my granddad had the disease. My great aunts suffered with it and it's not pretty. It takes away the 'person' you loved, strips their memory away and leaves but a shell of the person that once was so full of life. Through research though we may hopefully, one day, can find a cure. Abilene will be hosting a 2 mile walk to help bring
Head Trauma May Increase Chance of Alzheimer’s
Head Trauma May Increase Chance of Alzheimer’s
Head Trauma May Increase Chance of Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease has long been a medical mystery, but new research may point to at least one cause for the debilitating condition. After a study involving 300,000 veterans aged 55 and up, scientists at the University of California-San Francisco learned that older people who’ve experienced a traumatic brain injury — or TBI — during their lives have more than twice the risk of developing dementia