Standing-Room Only Crowd Attends Senator Ted Cruz Re-election Rally in Lubbock
Late Monday afternoon, Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz brought his re-election campaign to Lubbock.
Monday's event in Lubbock was held at Triple J's located on Buddy Holly Avenue in the Depot District. A standing-room only crowd of over 300 people packed the restaurant and brewery. Plus, there was a line of people on Buddy Holly Avenue who weren't able to get into the building.
In his over 20-minute speech, Senator Cruz urged all of his fellow Republicans to get out to vote in November, since he is running for re-election against Democratic Congressman Beto O'Rourke. Cruz also pointed out the momentum Republicans have in Washington, D.C., with the prior confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, and the pending confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
"We're seeing the economy in Texas booming right now," Senator Cruz said to the crowd. "We have the lowest unemployment (rate) nationally in decades. We have the lowest African-American unemployment (rate) that has been recorded ever since they began keeping the data. We have the lowest Hispanic unemployment (rate) that has been recorded ever since they began keeping the data."
"When you cut taxes and pull back regulations Texas small businesses prosper, and the result is the State of Texas is booming right now," Cruz said.
He continued: "(The repeal of) Obamacare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), clearly the biggest unfinished commitment of our Republican majorities. But even that, it's worth noting we did manage to come together and repeal the Obamacare individual mandates. That's a big deal."
After Cruz finished his speech, he hung around Triple J's to shake hands and meet with the hundreds of constituents that came to his campaign appearance.
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