Rockers Ring in 2017 With Happy New Year’s Greetings
The ball has dropped, the slate is clean and a full year of the promise of new music is upon us. Welcome 2017, farewell 2016!
2016 was definitely a head scratching year, filled with plenty of loss on a personal level to many music fans with an unusual amount of deaths. But the sadness brought on by the losses was offset to some extent by the amazing works that are still being generated in the rock and metal community.
As we hit the reset button and prepare to do it once more, a number of rock and metal's finest have weighed in with their reflections on the year that was and the hopes for the year to come. Check out some of their social media postings ringing in 2017 listed below. We here at Loudwire would also like to wish you the very best in 2017.
8 Reasons Why 2016 Totally Sucked
8 Reasons Why 2016 Didn't Suck THAT Much