Paramount Sets Release Dates for New ‘G.I. Joe,’ Dungeons & Dragons’ Movies
Paramount’s Hasbroniverse is regrouping after the end of the Transformers series, and have scheduled their next few films for the coming years from Allspark Pictures, the production studio the two companies formed a few months ago. For those of you who missed the G.I. Joe films, or who were worried that we’d never see another big-screen Dungeons & Dragons effort, be not afraid, because both of those properties are coming to theaters again in just a few short years, according to Paramount’s new schedule.
On Monday, Paramount announced its scheduled Allspark Pictures films up to 2021, per The Hollywood Reporter. A movie titled simply G.I. Joe will hit theaters March 27, 2020, though we don’t know whether it’ll be connected to previous films G.I Joe: Rise of Cobra and G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Seven months later, Micronauts will open on Oct. 16, 2020. Micronauts was one of the properties Hasbro announced back in 2015 that it would adapt into a shared universe. The Dungeons & Dragons movie hits theaters July 23, 2021, and will hopefully have a better run than Jeremy Irons ill-fated effort back in 2000.
And then, Paramount has also set aside Oct. 1, 2021 for an untitled Hasbro event film. Could it be that Transformers-G.I. Joe mashup they’ve wanted to do for forever? We also have Transformers spinoff Bumblebee coming in December 2018, which could launch a few more future Transformers films.
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