Get Ready For More New Photos and Videos of Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker
In the continuing effort to convince all of us that this Todd Phillips Joker movie — starring Joaquin Phoenix as “Arthur,” a new take on the classic Clown Prince of Crime — is real, there are even more photos and a video from the set that seemingly prove this unbelievable project is actually happening.
Above you‘ll see a video of a scene set on a New York City subway platform (Bedford Park Boulevard is a real station in the Bronx, by the way) with Phoenix as the Joker in a shockingly close costume to the classic Batman comics of old. He walks out of a subway train as a riot seems to break out behind him. He is missing the purple gloves, but otherwise, it’s way more like the comic than I expected.
It’s tough to tell just what is causing the dust-up, but there are some big signs in the background, including one that reads “Eat the Rich.” Another says “Clown Mayor,” as if the Joker inspires the populace to go crazy and embrace him as their leader while destroying his enemies. Now what on Earth could that possibly be inspired by?!?
And just a little while ago, Phillips himself released a new photo of Phoenix on set. This one is simply titled “Work”:
On another Instagram photo, Phillips also explained why he’s taking the unusual step of releasing so many photos of his film so early when it would be much more typical of a movie like Joker to wait for a poster or even a first trailer months from now to unveil its title character’s look:
Here’s the issue. We have paparazzi all over our set, at every turn. And it bums me out that they constantly put out their bad shots. So I figure, may as well put out some good ones.
If he is making the best of a bad situation, he’s doing a darn good job of it. I’m already way more excited to see this movie than I was a few weeks ago. Joker opens in theaters on October 4, 2019.
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