James Comey’s ‘Lordy, I Hope There Are Tapes’ Line Blew Up on Twitter
"I've seen the tweet about tapes. Lordy, I hope there are tapes."
With that comment, former FBI director James Comey created the biggest political meme since covfefe (which was all of six days ago).
First off, here's the "tweet about tapes" Comey was referring to:
Trump, of course, meant this as a threat, but he didn't anticipate that instead of intimidating Comey, it inspired him. Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he had heard about Trump's tweet and woke up in the middle of the night with an idea: leak the memos he had written about Trump to the papers, and maybe that'll lead to the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate possible collusion between Russian agents and the 2016 Trump presidential campaign.
Lo and behold, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating possible Trump-Russia collusion. Nice job, Mr. President!
But more importantly, that led to "Lordy!" Let's get right to it...
And because the internet moves really, really fast:
You know what else moves fast? The dictionary:
You can be sure the late-night shows will have some fun with "Lordy!":
Even deities are getting involved:
And George Takei, who's sort of a Twitter god:
Even news organizations had a little fun with it:
And more:
Which, of course, is a reference to the infamous and as yet unseen Trump pee tape. Lordy, we hope we don't ever have to watch that.