Whether you're a guy or a gal, we've all played around the legos before. Some of my best childhood memories surround legos. I'd be so excited to wake up on Christmas morning or on birthdays to dive into a brand-new set. No matter what your memories are of legos, they've been around for generations. One thing I know for sure is that lego sets have come a long way since when I was a kiddo. The multiple pieces and detail that they have these days are crazy to imagine.

Fast forward to today and legos are still out there and more popular than ever. Die-hard collectors drool at the chance to get their hands on prized sets. Wealthy Gorilla is all about "the most expensive". They've listed out the highest-priced lego sets that exist in the world. These aren't your normal play toys, these are the real deal. If you're a lego fanatic, you'll want to scroll along. See how many of these you'd put on your wishlist.


Photo: Wikimedia Commons.Canva
Photo: Wikimedia Commons.Canva
  • Yoda Wearing "I Heart NY" T-Shirt Lego Set

    Estimated Cost: $2,275

Photo: mangga23 via Ebay
Photo: mangga23 via Ebay
  • LECA Automobile (LEGO Inside Tour 2005 Edition) Set

  • Estimated Cost: $2,350
Photo: Byron via Ebay
Photo: Byron via Ebay
Photo: warrior44iraq via Ebay
Photo: warrior44iraq via Ebay
  • Taj Mahal Lego Set

    Estimated Cost: $2,865

  • Han Solo On Tauntaun Lego Set

    Estimated Cost: $3,156

Photo: polish_brick via Ebay
Photo: polish_brick via Ebay
  • TMNT Antonio's Pizza-Rama (New York Comic Con 2012 Exclusive) Lego Set

    Estimated Cost: $4,276

Photo: unlimitedllc via Ebay
Photo: unlimitedllc via Ebay
Photo: hda-34 via Ebay
Photo: hda-34 via Ebay

You almost have to take out a bank loan to afford these sets. They're no joke. Growing up I never remember legos being this big of a deal. How times have changed. If you're lucky enough to get your hands on one of these sets, take caution. You've got one amazing collectible on your hands.

Whether you call them toys or collectibles, I think they're just plain cool. We all had favorite toys growing up, especially if you were a kid in the '80s. Keep scrolling to go down memory land and see how many of these classics you remember.

Top 25 Toys From The 80's

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