First off, let me clarify my definition of "speed trap". It is any stretch of road where the speed limit changes quickly in a short span and where law enforcement sits and catches you off guard (for not slowing down fast enough), writing tickets all day and night. Pinpoint exactly where these speed traps are with help from

Some cities have been rumored to have officers linger at speed traps in around-the-clock shifts during holiday weekends, on the prowl for unsuspecting speeders. Granted, "we" as responsible drivers should always pay attention to the posted speed limits. However, a simple sign that reads "THIS IS A SPEED TRAP" would do more to slow down traffic in those high-danger areas. Do you know of a speed trap? Where is the closest speed trap to you?

Drivers from every state have reported speed trap locations to the National Motorists Association’s National Speed Trap Exchange. Think about it, with the combination of heavy traffic, federally-funded ticketing campaigns, and financially-strapped local and state governments, travelers have good reason to feel like they have dollar signs painted on their cars.

I'm sharing these websites to help you avoid a costly ticket and unnecessary frustration, and encourage you to slow down and look around. Take in the sights and save some lives. The NMA has identified most cities in every state using data directly from the National Speed Trap Exchange. There is also a smartphone app that can alert you to speed limit changes.

These are the Top Five Speed Traps in and around Abilene:

1. FM-89 South of FM-1235 - The speed limit goes from 70 to 55 to 40 mph as you enter Buffalo Gap from the north.

2. US Highway 277 near Mile Marker 316 - Law enforcement runs a radar there regularly. The trap is about 10-15 miles outside of Abilene beyond the town of Caps.

3. Anywhere within 20 miles of Post, TX - Troopers are usually in that area. Many believe that law enforcement write tickets to college kids speeding home or on their way back to school.

5. State Highway 83/84 near CR149 Road - Northbound on Hwy 83/84 as you pass the rest area. The officer is typically sitting in the rest area.

These are the Top Five Speed Traps in and around San Angelo:

1. Sul Ross in San Angelo - The speed limit on Sul Ross is 25 mph with one stoplight and four stop signs. Law enforcement uses radar from the side streets to catch speeders.

2. Arden Road near 306 Loop in San Angelo - Law enforcement regularly sit on the side of Arden in the speed zone where the limit changes from 50 to 45 then 35 mph near the bluffs. Speeders beware.

3. FM 2288 near State Highway 87 North, Arden Road - The posted speed is 45 mph from Grape Creek to Dry Creek Bridge, then it is 60 mph, then it goes back down to 45 mph when you get to Rio Concho West.

4. Glenna Drive near soccer fields - Officers monitor the area where the speed limit sign drops from 40 to 35. Many drivers have been ticketed for going 25 miles over the speed limit.

5. Hwy 87 South near the Eden cutoff - The speed limit is 70 mph and speeders will be stopped for going 5 mph or higher over the posted limit.

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Click to see where folks are being ticketed throughout Texas, and around Abilene and  San Angelo. Check out information on over 80,000-speed traps as listed by state and city. I'll remind you, as I remind everyone, the law enforcement officers did not force you to speed - you chose to. Slow down, and safe travels.

The photo gallery below shows the speed limit signs all within a couple miles on the same stretch of the road.

LOOK: This Is a Clearly Marked And Highly Monitored Speed Zone

See the Must-Drive Roads in Every State

LOOK: Classic Signs You Still See Around Abilene

These signs are still standing in and around the Abilene area. Many of the businesses are still going too.