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All golfers, no matter how good you are are invited to an incredible benefit golf tournament. You are invited to participate in the 12th Annual Casen's Crew for Children's Cardiomyopathy Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 27th.

The tournament features a 4-man scramble that will take place at the Maxwell Golf Course located at 1002 South 23nd Street in Abilene, and will benefit the Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation (CCF) right here in Abilene.

LOOK: Here's all the Casen's Crew Tournament Details and Photos

Casen Steele Riley was born to Heather and Casey Riley. However, Casen was born with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). It's the second most common type of heart muscle disease and or disorder.

HCM took its toll on Riley's adorable baby boy. Casen only lived six months, leaving Riley's devastated. As a way to celebrate Casen's life, Heather and Casey have been hosting the Annual Casen's Crew for Children's Cardiomyopathy Golf Tournament.

The funds raised from this special event all go to the Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation here in Abilene. To Sign up you can do it one of two ways. First, there is online registration at the website.

The other way to sign up for the golf tournament is by downloading the application here or by calling Heather Riley at 325-370-6379 or returning the completed application to Heather.

The cost to sign up is only $400 for a foursome and includes the green fees, cart,
range balls, an awesome-looking Casen's Crew t-shirt (as seen in the photos above), a Yeti cup,  and a hamburger meal.

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