There is a cool project that the Honda corporation in sponsoring and it's to help save Drive-In's across the U.S. Since the movie industry is going from film to digital, expensive new equipment is needed and it's putting a lot of small town drive-ins out of business. If you remember we had this problem here in Abilene not long ago with our own Town and Country Drive-In. Ours was saved and now here is a chance for you to help the community of Graham, Texas keep theirs as well. The Project Drive-In website has all the details, but in a nut shell here's what they are doing. Honda is donating 5 digital projectors and starting the fund to help save more Drive-Ins. You can go to the website and vote on videos submitted by local communities to save their theaters.

We were asked by the Monrreal Family who live in Graham, Texas to help get the word out and help save their local Drive-In. Their 5 year old son Matthew, who loves to make videos, made this one in hopes that you will vote for them. He also says 'one day he will be in a movie, and you'll like it'

Here is the official video submitted to the Project Drive-In contest by J & Erin, managers of the Graham Drive-In. They have been Zombie free since 1977 and they would like to keep it that way. The single screen drive-in is family operated and was built in 1948.

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