The only thing on TV better than the NFL season starting up, is Discovery Channel’s ‘Shark Week’ which kicks off this Sunday (August 12th).

If you’re like me, you’ve been anxiously awaiting the 25th season of, in my opinion, one of the best shows on Discovery Channel. Yeah, call me a dork or whatever, but I love ‘Shark Week’. Anything about sharks, and I’m all over it like white on rice. There is just something so cool about sharks…especially the biggest, and baddest shark of them all, the great white.

‘Shark Week’, as I said, has been around for 25 seasons. It all started back in 1988 and focuses on all types of sharks, how they live, what they eat and of course horror stories of shark attacks. It seems like every year, ‘Shark Week’ gets even bigger.

Here’s the promo for this seasons ‘Shark Week’.

Do you watch ‘Shark Week’? What is your favorite shark? Leave your comments below.

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