Okay, so we've had Snow White twice ('Mirror Mirror' and 'Snow White and the Huntsman'), and we're going to get 'Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters' and the new take on 'Sleeping Beauty' with 'Maleficent,' so what fairy tales are left to redo as a live action re-imagings? It turns out the next one will likely be 'Cinderella' and it could be pretty great as it's got Mark Romanek attached to direct and is looking to land Cate Blanchett as the evil stepmother.

This news comes from The Hollywood Reporter, and though the sub-genre has not offered many rewards, it does give the studios the benefit of a name brand, so it's easy to see why Disney is going through with this, even after some modest returns on the likes of the previous Snow White films, and with 'Hansel & Gretel' slated for January, we're not expecting much from the upcoming films.

But Mark Romanek gives us hope. He's the director behind 'One Hour Photo,' 'Never Let Me Go' and some of the most striking music videos ever made (including Nine Inch Nail's "Closer"), and though it appears he's going to have to make a big commercial movie to keep working (something he came close to with 'The Wolfman'), his talents will at least make for a visually striking film. Then again, the same could have been said of 'Mirror Mirror.'

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