I think everybody will agree, the heat lately has just been plain brutal. Days at a time up over 100 degrees. It's dangerous if you don't treat the heat with some respect. You have to be careful, especially when leaving children unattended. Vehicles can be the most dangerous and can also be prevented.

Hot Car Deaths are very real and have killed over 900 children since 1998. The main cause is heat stroke by children being left unattended or trapped in a hot vehicle. These incidents hit closer to home than you think. An Abilene woman was recently cited for leaving her kids in a car unattended. Luckily, the kids were fine and she was only issued a misdemeanor ticket.

Unfortunately, not all cases end well.

Hot Car Deaths are preventable. There are a few steps the parents and caregivers alike can follow to ensure the safety of the child.

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Photo: Jim Strasma/Unsplash
Photo: Jim Strasma/Unsplash

Check Your Vehicle

Make it a habit of checking the vehicle before locking it and leaving. It's recommended that you Park, Look, and Lock. Ask yourself, where's baby?


Have a conversation with your childcare provider and have them call you if your child does not show up as expected.

Place a Reminder

Place a bag or something in the back seat as a reminder to look before you lock.

Don't Leave Your Car Unattended

Never leave children unattended in a running car. Even if the windows are down and the air conditioner is on.

Store Your Keys

Always keep your car keys stored and up out of a child's reach. Teach them that a vehicle is not a playground.

Temperatures in Abilene have been exceeding 100 degrees for days at a time lately. Taking these simple precautions can ensure the safety of your kiddos.

Yes indeed, this heat is intense. I don't know about you but I'll take any break in the heat that I can. Even if that means just looking at pictures of beautiful cool water. Keep reading and check out the largest swimming pool in Texas.

Ahh, yeah. Beautiful. I'm feeling cooler already.

Texas' Largest Swimming Pool at Balmorhea State Park

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