david letterman

Watch Will Smith Perfectly Rap ‘Gettin Jiggy Wit It’ in Surprise Performance
Watch Will Smith Perfectly Rap ‘Gettin Jiggy Wit It’ in Surprise Performance
Watch Will Smith Perfectly Rap ‘Gettin Jiggy Wit It’ in Surprise Performance
Alert, alert: Will Smith still has it. The star of the upcoming con man romantic comedy drama (co-ma rom-com-dram?) Focus hit The Late Show last night to chat it up with host David Letterman and, oh, yeah, to just randomly rap “Gettin Jiggy Wit It” alongside Letterman’s own band. Sure, most late night guests just walk out on stage, give a big hello, and sit down, but not Smith, who seemed determined to remind everyone of his rap roots.
David Letterman’s Final ‘Late Show’ Set for May 2015
David Letterman’s Final ‘Late Show’ Set for May 2015
David Letterman’s Final ‘Late Show’ Set for May 2015
Stephen Colbert has already begun making the final rounds of ‘The Colbert Report’ in preparation for his new CBS ‘Late Show’ hosting gig, but don’t expect David Letterman to vacate the chair just yet. The longest-running late-night host has officially set a departure date for May 2015, bringing an end to ‘The Late Show with David Letterman’ as we know it.
Watch Ben Stiller Describe the World’s Worst Hot Air Balloon Ride
Watch Ben Stiller Describe the World’s Worst Hot Air Balloon Ride
Watch Ben Stiller Describe the World’s Worst Hot Air Balloon Ride
Ben Stiller has accomplished a lot in his life -- this is the guy who created 'Zoolander,' after all -- but his dearest memory might just be a very unexpected one: that time he survived a hot air balloon ride. Said ride wasn't conceived of as a daredevil experiment, it was actually a fun part of a Stiller family vacation in Italy. It was supposed to be a good experience!
Joaquin Phoenix Announced His Engagement on ‘The Late Show’
Joaquin Phoenix Announced His Engagement on ‘The Late Show’
Joaquin Phoenix Announced His Engagement on ‘The Late Show’
Often, particularly colorful characters take to the various late shows to flex the full range of their unique spirit, just for funsies. Joaquin Phoenix looked to be going down that precise path on last night's 'Late Show,' actively imitating himself learning yoga, calling his more personal bits "Julio Igelasias," and just generally having a good time. Host David Letterman looked nervous, but Phoenix looked relaxed, and that might be why Phoenix's good-time appearance took a serious turn when the 'Inherent Vice' star announced his engagement on air.
Jennifer Lawrence Took Over For Dave Letterman as Host of ‘The Late Show’
Jennifer Lawrence Took Over For Dave Letterman as Host of ‘The Late Show’
Jennifer Lawrence Took Over For Dave Letterman as Host of ‘The Late Show’
Here is a brief list of things that happened during Jennifer Lawrence's appearance on 'The Late Show' last night: she sang with host David Letterman, the duo discussed tummy troubles, they chatted about bowling, they both totally biffed introducing a clip, Lawrence begged Letterman to not retire, they walked out during a live taping, and then Lawrence took over the entire show.
Maybe Bill Murray Should Just Host ‘The Late Show’ Now
Maybe Bill Murray Should Just Host ‘The Late Show’ Now
Maybe Bill Murray Should Just Host ‘The Late Show’ Now
Although we understand that 'The Late Show' will be getting a bit of a makeover when long-time host David Letterman exits later this year, and while we're extremely excited that Stephen Colbert is taking over the post, we still have a teensy idea: maybe Bill Murray could host it? Or just appear on every single episode? Does Colbert need a sidekick? He has to, right?
Michael Keaton Actually Does Want to See Your Cool ‘Beetlejuice’ Tattoo
Michael Keaton Actually Does Want to See Your Cool ‘Beetlejuice’ Tattoo
Michael Keaton Actually Does Want to See Your Cool ‘Beetlejuice’ Tattoo
When you've been in Hollywood as long as Michael Keaton has, you've probably seen a lot of weird stuff created by fans -- a lot of signs and strange drawings and maybe a wacky letter here and there -- and although that sounds a little off-putting, Keaton is into it. At least, he's into it when your fan art is good, as was the case with a 'Beetlejuice' tattoo he spotted during a late night shoot on his upcoming 'Birdman.'

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