As most of you know I love to make cupcakes, mainly because they are easy and fun to eat, however, you can also get creative when decorating them. I recently make some Ninja Turtle cupcakes, which took about 3 hours, but it's the swirled icing that gets the most "how did you do that' questions. So I decided to make a little instructional video to show how it's done.Now I'm not a professional by any means but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn. Actually, I took the Wilton Cake Decorating classes last year and this is a technique we learned. You will need a couple of 'tools of trade' though. They aren't expensive and you don't have to buy a big set, just a couple of pieces.

First you will need a decorators bag for icing (disposable is easiest) you will need a large coupler and a 1M decorating tip. All can be found at hobby stores or you can even find smaller versions at the grocery store (baking isle).

Separate your icing (homemade or store bought) into your bowls; I generally use 3 colors, so you will need 3 small bowls. Tint each with a color you are going to use. Be sure to use 'gel' colors so as not to make the icing too runny. Then place a bit of each color into your decorator bag, rotating the bag when you add a new color.

Twist the bag and squeeze out a bit of icing until you see the colors begin to mix, then swirl onto your cupcake with a twisting motion. This will all make sense once you've watched the video. It's pretty simple but makes the coolest cupcakes and it looks like you've spent hours mixing the icing.

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