Big Brother is watching the students of John Jay High School in San Antonio, Texas. They have all been given RFID badges so the administration will "always know where they are in the building."

Sophomore Andrea Hernandez thinks this level of surveillance crosses the line. So she refused to wear her badge. When the school administration saw what she was up to they offered her a deal -- she would be allowed to wear a badge with the RFID component removed. (The badge would still have a bar-code that would reveal her social security number and other info when scanned.)

But Hernandez didn't accept the deal. She was protesting against what she believed is a violation of civil liberties, and if she was still wearing a badge she couldn't really get her point across.

When she refused to accept the deal, the school expelled Hernandez.

Civil liberty lawyers from the Rutherford Institute have filed an injunction against the expulsion on Hernandez's behalf.

"What we're teaching kids is that they live in a total surveillance state and if they do not comply, they will be punished," John Whitehead, Rutherford founder said. "There has to be a point at which schools have to show valid reasons why they're doing this."

What do you think? Has the school gone too far, or are they within their rights to track their students?

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