As Hurricane Sandy starts its journey up the east coast, we average citizens aren't the only ones concerned about the state of emergencies being announced to deal with the so-called “Frankenstorm.”

Thankfully, celebrities have been taking time out of their busy schedules of doing nothing of import to voice their innermost meteorological concerns on Twitter. And unlike Lindsay Lohan, not everyone thinks "Sally" can be vanquished using only positive thinking.

You know NYC is on hurricane watch when the bread isle at the grocery store is empty. Don't think that would be the case in carb fearing LA!
-- Michelle Trachtenberg

Everyone on the east coast stay safe and batten down hatches!
-- Tracy Morgan

Bring it on sandy!!! RT @SandysHurricane: I'M COMING FOR YOU @SNOOKI YOU LITTLE OOMPA LOOMPA.
-- Snooki

EAST COAST: As Frankenstorm approaches, remember to care for your animal companions.
-- Pamela Anderson

My dad re: the hurricane: "I have tons of cash and a salad"
-- Lena Dunham

to everyone in the east coast...please be safe! go to a shelter if you have to evacuate. this storm ain't playin.
-- Russell Simmons

Were there this many hurricanes before Twitter? #justsayin
-- Olivia Wilde

I heard someone say it best: we made it through #9/11 we can make it through anything . #NewYork
-- Vinny Guadagnino

Is it bad that I already tore into my hurricane food stash, ok the Doritos...even though the storm hasn't hit yet? lol
-- Maria Menounos

This "Sandy" who's on TV all the time and is blowing the entire east coast, I assume she's a Kardashian right?
-- Ricky Gervais

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